Development Review
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All development projects proposed in Albany must comply with the City's Unified Sustainable Development Ordinance (USDO). The USDO, in coordination with the Albany 2030 Comprehensive Plan, includes zoning code updates and a streamlined, user-friendly process that aims to secure successful (re)development in the City.
Case Files | Address | Applicant | Description |
Case Agendas![]() |
00411 | 257 South Pearl Street | Capital City Rescue Mission | Major Certificate of Appropriateness of Proposed Demolition and Construction, Conditional Use Permit Review, Major Development Plan Review - Consolidation of 245,249, 257 South Pearl Street and 78, 80, 82, 84 Trinity Place into one parcel, demolition of a +/-1,140 square foot structure at 80 Trinity Place, and construction of a +/-30,972 square foot, four-story addition to expand an existing Group Living, Other use (Shelter). | |
00412 | 108 Lark Street | Hasan Saleh | A Certificate of Appropriateness for the replacement of a wood storefront system with an aluminum storefront system without prior approval. | |
00404 | 44 First Street | Real Property Solutions Unlimited, LLC | Conditional Use Permit - Conversion of a two-family townhouse to a three-family townhouse. | |
00406 | 123 South Pearl Street | Seraj Properties, LLC | Certificate of Appropriateness request to replace the existing recessed storefront system with a new aluminum and glass storefront system, flush with the front wall. | |
00405 | 452 Clinton Avenue | Salvation Army | Certificate of Appropriateness request to replace all non-original windows and metal panel insets with new 1-over-1 aluminum sash windows and EIFS panel inserts. | |
00400 | 41 South Pine Avenue | William Stanley | Area Variance, Interpretation- Demolish and rebuild replacement porch of a lower portion of columns with masonry supports and relocating steps from left offset to center offset. | |
00401 | 961 State Street | Rebecca Franklin | Area Variance for the installation of 169 Linear Feet of 6-foot; 100% opaque fencing and 50 Linear Feet of chain link fencing in front yard area. | |
00402 | 899 Western Avenue | AJ Signs: Thomas Wheeler | Area Variance for the installation of an 8-foot, 50 square foot, freestanding, monument sign. | |
00403 | 161 Washington Avenue Extension Suite 104 | Strong Industries dba | Area Variance for the installation of a 94.7 square foot “box” wall sign. | |
00396 | 22 Holland Avenue | Ed Baksh, The Parikh Network | Conditional Use Permit, Development Plan Review - Construction of a +/-2,472 square foot restaurant with a drive-through facility. | |
00397 | 1385 Washington Avenue | Jacky He, DMG Investments | Conditional Use Permit Review, Development Plan Review, District Plan Review - Construction of a five-story dormitory with +/-184 units and a parking garage and surface parking lot totaling +/-98 parking spaces. | |
00398 | 514 Bradford Street | Pinewood Realty LLC | Demolition Review - Demolition of a +/-820 square foot detached accessory garage. | |
00399 | 97 Ryckman Avenue | Southwood Realty LLC | Demolition Review - Demolition of a +/-594 square foot detached accessory garage. | |
00464 | 237 Western Avenue | Patrick Rafferty | 2021 Application - Conditional Use Permit Review, Demolition Review, Development Plan Review - Construction of two four-story building totaling +/-100,721 square feet with 83 dwelling units and +/-5,899 square feet of commercial space, and the construction of a surface parking lot with 69 parking spaces. | |
00395 | 42 & 47 Besch Avenue | Ron Stein | Major Development Plan Review - Construction of a 4-story, +/-60,000 square foot multi-family dwelling with 39 dwelling units and +/-36 parking spaces. |