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Development Review

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All development projects proposed in Albany must comply with the City's Unified Sustainable Development Ordinance (USDO). The USDO, in coordination with the Albany 2030 Comprehensive Plan, includes zoning code updates and a streamlined, user-friendly process that aims to secure successful (re)development in the City.
Case Files Address Applicant Description Case Agendassort ascending
00416 40 South Manning Boulevard Brett Sears & Alecia Sears Area Variances (2) to allow for the installation of 6-foot, 100% opaque fencing in the front yard area where 4-foot fencing is the maximum allowed height and the maximum permitted opacity is 60%.
00371 255-271 Clinton Avenue Home Leasing Area Variance, Development Plan Review - Construction of a parking lot with +/-38 parking spaces.
00429 92 Alexander Street City of Albany Department of Buildings and Regulatory Compliance Demolition Review - Demolition of a +/-3,300 square foot residential structure.
00430 507 First Street City of Albany Department of Buildings and Regulatory Compliance Demolition Review - Demolition of a +/-985 square foot residential structure.
00431 175 Jay Street NCG Jay, LLC Certificate of Appropriateness to replace the existing wood and vinyl windows, replace the existing fiberglass windows, and repair the existing stucco cladding.
00420 804 & 808 Central Avenue Speedway, LLC Demolition Review and Major Development Plan Review - Demolition of three structures totaling +/-14,450 square feet and the construction of a vehicle fueling station and +/-4,600 square feet of convenience retail.
00421 242 Spruce Street Patrick Chiou Major Development Plan Review - Conversion and +/-16,195 square foot expansion of a commercial structure to a mixed-use structure with 54 dwelling units, +/-8,257 square feet of commercial uses, and 22 automobile parking spaces.
00423 77,79,81,83,83.5,85 Sherman Street Legal Aid Society of Northeast NY Zoning Map Amendment - Amendment to the Zoning Map changing the zoning classification of the subject properties from R-2 (Two-Family) to MU-CU (Mixed-Use, Community Urban)
00422 91,93,95 Clinton Street Kerwyn Kirton Conditional Use Permit Review, Zoning Map Amendment - Occupation of +/-1,300 square feet of the ground floor of 91 Clinton Street as a restaurant. Amendment to the Zoning Map changing the zoning classification of 91,93,95 Clinton Street from R-T (Townhouse) to MU-NE (Mixed-Use, Neighborhood Edge).
00418 66 State Street Jeff Buell, Redburn Development Major Development Plan Review - Conversion of +/-21,357 square feet of office space into 27 dwelling units.
00388 76 and 80 Third Avenue 1040 Keyes, LLC Major Development Plan Review - Conversion of +/-9,013 square feet of garage space into 7 dwelling units.
00381 191 North Pearl Street 191 North Pearl Street, LLC Major Certificate of Appropriateness, Major Development Plan Review - Construction of a +/-25,968 square foot, four-story multifamily building with 18 dwelling units and an internal parking garage with 13 automobile parking spaces.
00410 336 Clinton Avenue Taga Associates, LLC Conditional Use Permit - Conversion of a two-family townhouse to a three-family townhouse.
00413 204 Washington Avenue Roger David Conditional Use Permit - Occupation of +/-1,613 square feet of the subject property as a hookah lounge (Bar or Tavern).
00411 257 South Pearl Street Capital City Rescue Mission Major Certificate of Appropriateness of Proposed Demolition and Construction, Conditional Use Permit Review, Major Development Plan Review - Consolidation of 245,249, 257 South Pearl Street and 78, 80, 82, 84 Trinity Place into one parcel, demolition of a +/-1,140 square foot structure at 80 Trinity Place, and construction of a +/-30,972 square foot, four-story addition to expand an existing Group Living, Other use (Shelter).
