Development Review
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All development projects proposed in Albany must comply with the City's Unified Sustainable Development Ordinance (USDO). The USDO, in coordination with the Albany 2030 Comprehensive Plan, includes zoning code updates and a streamlined, user-friendly process that aims to secure successful (re)development in the City.
Case Files | Address | Applicant | Description |
Case Agendas![]() |
00217 | 1 Steuben Pl | Redburn Development Partners, LLC | Major Development Plan Review for conversion of approx. 81,800-sqft of commercial floor area to accommodate 59 dwelling units. | |
00218 | 76 N Pearl St | Redburn Development Partners, LLC | Development Plan Review for conversion of approx. 76,500-sqft commercial floor area to accommodate 63 dwelling units. | |
00239 | 115 S Pearl St | Inayatullah Seraj | Certificate of Appropriateness request to install new storefront windows in existing non-original window openings, replace the existing non-original entry door and install two new sash windows on the side elevation. | |
00241 | 12 Sheridan Ave | 3JB Properties, LLC | Certificate of Appropriateness request to install an aluminum channel letter sign between the second and third floor with an external light bar. | |
APL 0002 (Formerly A0002) | 372 New Scotland Ave | Hon. Judy Doesschate | USDO Administrative Appeal: Decisions and interpretations relating to zoning, nonconforming status, permitted uses and signage. | |
00034 | 60 Colvin Ave | Anthony DeThomasis | Development Plan Review for construction of two, three-story mixed-use structures, approx. 6,400-sqft of commercial space and 24 residential dwelling units. | |
ZMA 0001 | 10-15 Krank, 4-12 Leonard, 7-15 Scott | South End Development, LLC | Zoning Map Amendment - Amendment to the USDO Map: Classification change of the affected properties from R-T (Townhouse) to MU-NE (Mixed-Use Neighborhood Edge). | |
ZMA 0002 | 151 & 153 Grand St | Chris Spencer, Chief Planning Official | Zoning Map Amendment - Amendment to the USDO Map: Classification change of the affected properties from MU-FS (Mixed-Use Form-Based South End) to LC (Land Conservation). | |
ZTA 0004 | Hon. Judy Doesschate | Zoning Text Amendment - Amendment to the USDO: Reduce the size of allowable signs within residential zone districts and to require the removal of obsolete signs. | ||
ZTA 0005 | Hon. Richard Conti | Zoning Text Amendment - Amendment to the USDO: Allow Artisan Manufacturing in the Mixed-Use Neighborhood Edge (MU-NE) district subject to a Conditional Use Permit. | ||
06-16, 971 | 191 N Pearl St | 191 North Pearl, LLC (Rudy R. Lynch) | Previous Case (2016). Extension of Approval Time Period to construct a 3.5-story, multi-family dwelling. | |
ZTA 0006 | Chris Spencer, Chief Planning Official | Zoning Text Amendment - Amendment to the USDO Map: Change in recognition of Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) Case No. 17-02-1160P altering the boundaries of the FP-O (Floodplain Overlay) district. | ||
00233 | 57 Liebel St | Albany County Land Bank Corp | Demolition Review of approx. 2,613-sqft structure. | |
00234 | 174 Livingston Ave | Albany County Land Bank Corp | Demolition Review of the approx. 2,613-sqft structure. | |
00235 | 281 Sheridan Ave | Albany County Land Bank Corp | Demolition Review of approx. 2,178-sqft structure. |