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Case File ZTA 0004

Type of Documents
AAAdministrative Adjustment / Appeal
AVArea Variance
COACertificate of Appropriateness
CLNCertificate of Legal Nonconformity Amendment
CUPConditional Use Permit Certificate
CCPCurb Cut Permit
DRDemolition Review
DRTBDesign Review of Tall Buildings
DPADistrict Plan Approval
DPRDevelopment Plan Review
FPVFloodplain Variance
HPHHistoric Property Hardship
LCLot Consolidation
LLALot Line Adjustment
LSLand Subdivision
UVUse Variance
ZMAZoning Map Amendment
ZCCZoning Compliance
Online Resources
Search Albany (Property Map Viewer)
Unified Sustainable Development Ordinance eCode
USDO Project Application Forms