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Development Review

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All development projects proposed in Albany must comply with the City's Unified Sustainable Development Ordinance (USDO). The USDO, in coordination with the Albany 2030 Comprehensive Plan, includes zoning code updates and a streamlined, user-friendly process that aims to secure successful (re)development in the City.
Case Filessort descending Address Applicant Description Case Agendas
00179 203 Lark St Lark Center Square, LLC Certificate of Appropriateness request to install an aluminum awning covered with black acrylic fabric at the storefront.
00180 175 Jay St Jay Street Apartments, LLC Certificate of Appropriateness Request to replace 157 existing 1-over-1 wood sash windows with 1-over-1 aluminum clad wood sash windows.
00181 277 Clinton Ave Abdo Na Altiri Certificate of Appropriateness Request for the replacement of the original wood sash windows with vinyl sash windows and solid arched panels without prior approval.
00182 35 Glenwood St RECKDE, LLC Condition Use Permit for conversion of approx. 1,615-squ-ft structure from a single-family detached dwelling to a two-family detached dwelling.
00183 135 Academy Rd Albany Academy Development Planning Review for construction of approx. 21,000-sqft gymnasium.
00185 337 Clinton Ave Albany County Land Bank Corp Certificate of Appropriateness Request to paint a mural on the west, side elevation.
00186 402 Broadway David Zuccaro Certificate of Appropriateness Request to repair the existing front elevation windows, install ten windows on the south, side elevation in new openings and remove a first floor rear non-original addition.
00187 102 Fourth Ave Fadil Syla Certificate of Appropriateness Request to replace the existing non-original 1-over-1 aluminum sash windows with 1-over-1 vinyl sash windows on the side elevation.
00188 46 State St Konstantinos Moutopoulos Certificate of Appropriateness request to replace the existing original second floor tri-part window.
00189 100 Kenwood Rd Kenwood Commons, LLC SEQR / District Plan involving construction of approx. 35 structures ranging from two- to eight-stories and totaling approx. 3,976,960-sqft. A total of approx. 2,224 units, approx. 575 hotel rooms, approx. 437,760-sqft commercial / community space and associated parking facilities are proposed. Five existing structures at the site will be demolished.
00190 52-54 N Pearl St CPGM, LLC Certificate of Appropriateness request to replace the existing non-original storefront at 52 North Pearl Street with new glass and aluminum storefront system.
00192 43 First St Thomas C. Lacy Conditional Use Permit for conversion of approx. 2,464-sqft structure from a two-family townhouse to a three-family townhouse.
00193 160 Central Ave Capital Region Bilingual Montessori Conditional Use Permit to occupy approx. 12,900-sqft of the structure at the premises as a School.
00194 1475 Washington Ave 1475 Washington Avenue Associates, LLC Area Variance to allow for a projecting sign larger than 32-sqft.
00195 822 New Scotland Ave Lipnick and Giglio Dental Area Variance of the front setback requirement for an addition to include an accessible restroom, entry area, sidewalks, and ramp.
