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Development Review

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All development projects proposed in Albany must comply with the City's Unified Sustainable Development Ordinance (USDO). The USDO, in coordination with the Albany 2030 Comprehensive Plan, includes zoning code updates and a streamlined, user-friendly process that aims to secure successful (re)development in the City.
Case Files Address Applicant Description Case Agendassort ascending
00368 35 Commerce Avenue CFM 25 Industrial, INC Major Development Plan Review- Construction of a +/-17,320 square foot warehouse addition.
00393 20 Colvin Avenue Capital Corals Major Development Plan Review - Change of use of the subject property from Heavy Commercial Services to an Office (Laboratory).
00390 832 Manning Boulevard Habitat for Humanity Capital District Major Development Plan Review/ Land Subdivision - Subdivision of 832 Manning Boulevard into 6 parcels and the construction of six, +/-1,620 square foot single-family townhouses.
P00391 39 Ten Broeck Street Dove Street Development, LLC Certificate of Appropriateness request to replace eight non-original vinyl sash windows on the front elevation with eight 1-over-1 vinyl sash windows.
00385 425 North Pearl Street 413 North Pearl Assoc LLC Major Development Plan Review - Conversion of +/-78,071 square feet of an existing warehouse into +/-82 dwelling units.
00384 67 Ontario Street 67 Ontario St LLC - Jermaine White and Alan Hughes Conditional Use Permit - Occupation of +/-850 square feet of the subject property as a personal or business service (laundromat).
ZMA 0008 1057 & 1061 Washington Avenue Councilmember Michael O'Brien Zoning Map Amendment - Amendment to the Zoning Map changing the zoning classification of 1057 and 1061 Washington Avenue from MU-NC (Mixed-Use, Neighborhood Center) to R-2 (Two-Family).
00383 61 and 63 Shaker Road St Peter's Health Partners Demolition Review to demolish a +/-54,110 square foot hospital building and pedestrian bridge.
P00387 52 North Pearl Street CPGM, LLC Certificate of Appropriateness for revisions to a Certificate of Appropriateness issued in August 2018 for the installation of a new storefront.
P00370 9 Thurlow Terrace Faraz A. Khan & Mehak Jamil Certificate of Appropriateness to construct a rear 2-story addition.
00375 76 Second Avenue Corey Jones, South End Development Demolition Reviews, Major Development Plan Review - Demolition of four residential structures, one garage, and one storage shed totaling +/-6,666 square feet and the construction of four buildings with +/-184 dwelling units, +/-180 parking spaces, +/-26,058 square feet of commercial and retail space, and +/-6,466 square feet of community center space.
00379 176 Sheridan Avenue Interfaith Partnership for the Homeless Conversion of a +/-1,760 square foot townhouse to an office.
00369 292 State Street Stephanie Brown Conditional Use Permit - Conversion of a one-family townhouse to a two-family townhouse.
ZTA 0015 N/A Councilmembers Thomas Hoey & Michael O'Brien Amendment to the text of §375-5(D)(11), §375-5(E)(1)(c), §375-5(E)(14)(b)(iii), and §375-5(E)(17)(b)(ii) of the USDO to create requirements for conditions placed on Planning Board approvals, insert the Uniform Fire Code as a review criteria for building permits, insert review requirements for Planning Board waivers, and place restrictions on development plan review and demolition review approval conditions.
P00376 45 Columbia Street Albany Center Gallery Certificate of Appropriateness to paint a mural on the parged side, west elevation.
