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Development Review

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All development projects proposed in Albany must comply with the City's Unified Sustainable Development Ordinance (USDO). The USDO, in coordination with the Albany 2030 Comprehensive Plan, includes zoning code updates and a streamlined, user-friendly process that aims to secure successful (re)development in the City.
Case Filessort ascending Address Applicant Description Case Agendas
00086 60 Academy Rd Northern Rivers Behavioral Center Development Plan Review / District Plan Approval / Demolition Review for construction of approx. 12,910-sqft structure for office and community residential facility uses. An existing approx. 8,750-sqft structure at the site will be demolished.
00084 760 Broadway 760 Broadway, LLC Major Development Plan Review for a 6-story, 132,636-sqft, 88-unit multifamily dwelling. The proposal is an amended version of project Case #9-16, 979.
00083 612 Third St Albany County Land Bank Corp Demolition Review of approx. 2,172-sqft structure.
00082 186 Second St Albany County Land Bank Corp Demolition Review of approx. 1,704-sqft structure.
00081 136 Livingston Ave Albany County Land Bank Corp Demolition Review of approx. 1,970-sqft structure.
00080 231 Jay St Pint Sized Conditional Use Permit for approx. 1,050-sqft ground level for bar or tavern.
00079 899 Western Ave Capital Communications Federal Credit Union Area Variance for a free standing sign that is 36-sqft. The maximum allowed 20-sqft.
00078 340 Hamilton St Marisa & Everett W. Teller Conditional Use Permit for approx. 2,150-sqft ground level for a restaurant.
00077 420 Broadway 420 Broadway Albany, LLC Certificate of Appropriateness to replace the existing non-original windows on the front and rear elevations with eight new sash windows.
00074 61 Colvin Ave Atlas Jiu Jitsu, LLC Conditional Use Permit for approx. 6,000-sqft structure for indoor recreation and entertainment use.
00073 107 Champlain St A.J Signs Area Variance for an approx. 66-sqft sign.
00072 156 (AKA) 158 State St Thomas Wheeler, A.J. Signs Area Variance to install an additional wall sign.
00071 222 South Pearl Street Pinnacle Business Ventures, LLC - Ashan Farooq Extension of Conditional Use Permit Approval #0006 to allow the occupation of a +/-10,890 square foot property as a vehicle fueling station. Development Plan Review / Conditional Use Permit for an approx. 401-sqft addition to the existing convenience store and installation of gas/diesel pumps.
00070 1 & 2 Sandidge Way Dawn Homes Management, Inc. Development Plan Review / Demolition for seven, 5-story, multifamily residential structures having a total of 252 dwelling units and related ancillary facilities. Thirteen (13) existing structures are proposed to be demolished.
00068 45 Parkwood St Adam Clark Conditional Use Permit for conversion of a single-family dwelling to a two-family dwelling.
