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Development Review

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All development projects proposed in Albany must comply with the City's Unified Sustainable Development Ordinance (USDO). The USDO, in coordination with the Albany 2030 Comprehensive Plan, includes zoning code updates and a streamlined, user-friendly process that aims to secure successful (re)development in the City.
Case Files Address Applicant Description Case Agendassort ascending
00024 1 Grandview Ter Samantha Rivera Conditional Use Permit to occupy approx. 700-sqft on the ground level of the premises with a personal service use.
00020 30 N Swan St Albany Housing Authority Demolition Review of a 3,552-sqft residential structure. The site will be evenly graded with topsoil and planted with grass seed.
00031 2 Woodridge St Anthony Navojosky Area Variance for a approx. 550-sqft shed with an 8-ft setback.
00014 801 Western Ave All Saints Catholic Academy Area Variance to install a 28.6-sqft by 7-ft, two-sided sign box with interior lit header and monochromatic changeable message center.
00015 612 Madison Ave Madison Associates on the Park Interpretation for conversion of approx. 800-sqft office space for two dwelling units.
00016 614 Madison Ave Madison Associates on the Park Interpretation for conversion of approx. 1,600-sqft office space for three dwelling units.
00017 616 Madison Ave Madison Associates on the Park Interpretation for conversion of approx. 1,200-sqft office space for two dwelling units.
00002 28 Coporate Cir Tellurian Acquisition LLC Area Variance and Minor Land Subdivision.
00003 51 Lincoln Ave Keith Cramer Area Variance for proposed new 528-sqft, two-car garage.
00006 143 S Lake Ave Michael Connally Area Variance for 6-ft fence.
00007 252 N Pearl St Albany Housing Authority Area Variance for proposed redevelopment of 5.3-acres of Ida Yarbrough. Development Plan Review for construction of two, multifamily residential structures totaling 72 dwelling units.
00008 500 Northern Blvd Dunkin Brands Area Variance / Demolition / Development Plan Review for a new 6,000-sqft building.
