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Development Review

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All development projects proposed in Albany must comply with the City's Unified Sustainable Development Ordinance (USDO). The USDO, in coordination with the Albany 2030 Comprehensive Plan, includes zoning code updates and a streamlined, user-friendly process that aims to secure successful (re)development in the City.
Case Files Address Applicant Description Case Agendassort descending
00416 40 South Manning Boulevard Brett Sears & Alecia Sears Area Variances (2) to allow for the installation of 6-foot, 100% opaque fencing in the front yard area where 4-foot fencing is the maximum allowed height and the maximum permitted opacity is 60%.
00371 255-271 Clinton Avenue Home Leasing Area Variance, Development Plan Review - Construction of a parking lot with +/-38 parking spaces.
NC 0002 275 Lark Street Councilmember Richard Conti and Director Brad Glass Nuisance Complaint - Board of Zoning Appeals review of a July 28, 2021 complaint of nuisance at 275 Lark Street to determine whether 275 Lark Street is a nuisance property.
00354 163 Clinton Avenue Home Leasing Certificate of Appropriateness - Request to rehabilitate a three-story masonry structure. Conditional Use Permit - Conversion of a +/-15,460 square foot religious institution into a multi-family dwelling with 13 dwelling units.
00282 25 Delaware Ave Conifer, LLC Major Development Plan Review and Major Certificate of Appropriateness for the rehab of an existing two-story historic brick building and the construction of a rear four-story multi-family dwelling. to the existing two-story brick building.
P00439 152 Western Avenue 152 Western Avenue, LLC A retroactive Certificate of Appropriateness for painting a hard-faced brick building without approval.
00441 161 Washington Avenue Extension Greg Fishel, Allied Sign Company Area Variance - §375-409(5)(a)(i) - To allow a +/-100 square foot wall sign, when 32 square feet is the maximum allowed.
00425 7 Wilbur Street Gerard Marzocchi Conditional Use Permit Review- Conversion of a two-family dwelling to a three-family dwelling.
00426 289 Hudson Avenue Bill Hamel, QUAD H, LLC Conditional Use Permit - Conversion of +/-3,700 square feet of office space into two dwelling units.
00434 869 Madison Avenue Madison Pub LLC Conditional Use Permit - Occupation of 2,000 square feet of the ground floor as a bar or tavern.
P00443 69 North Pearl Street Tony Iadicicco, Albany Center Gallery A Certificate of Appropriateness to paint a mural on the side, south wall of a masonry structure.
P00444 222 Lark Street Jeffrey Benway, AJs Building Maintenance A retroactive Certificate of Appropriateness of the replacement of an entry door, two wood sash windows, and the second-floor bay window trim without approval.
00442 16, 18, 20 Morris Street ; 353 Lark Street Ron Stein Major Development Plan Review - Construction of a four-story, +/-37,260 square foot multi-family structure with 40 dwelling units.
P00447 11 Henry Johnson Boulevard Julia Holtmann A Certificate of Appropriateness to install a wrought iron security bar system over the first floor sash windows.
00438 329 North Pearl Street Philip Morris, Capital Repertory Theatre Conditional Use Permit, Major Development Plan Review - Construction of a surface parking lot with 44 parking spaces.
