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Development Review

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All development projects proposed in Albany must comply with the City's Unified Sustainable Development Ordinance (USDO). The USDO, in coordination with the Albany 2030 Comprehensive Plan, includes zoning code updates and a streamlined, user-friendly process that aims to secure successful (re)development in the City.
Case Files Address Applicant Description Case Agendassort descending
00333 186 First Street Albany County Land Bank Corporation Demolition of a +/-2,562 square foot residential structure.
00334 123 Second Street Albany County Land Bank Corporation Demolition of a +/-1,266 residential structure.
00335 111 Third Avenue Albany County Land Bank Corporation Demolition of a +/-1,760 square foot residential structure.
ZMA 0004 180 Sheridan Avenue Christopher Spencer, Chief Planning Official Zoning Map Amendment- Amendment to the Zoning Map changing the zoning classification of the subject property from R-T (Townhouse) to MU-CU (Mixed-Use, Community Urban).
ZTA 0012 Christopher Spencer, Chief Planning Official Zoning Text Amendment - Amendment to the Unified Sustainable Development Ordinance (USDO) to change parking lots from an accessory to a conditional use in the MU-CU district, along with the addition of corresponding use-specific standards.
00313 883 Broadway Chris Maddalone Major Development Plan Review - Conversion of a +/-40,000 square foot office building into 25 residential dwelling units and +/-8,000 square feet of commercial space.
00330 17 New Scotland Avenue BBL Construction Services, LLC Conditional Use Permit - Occupation of +/-8,772 square feet for indoor recreation/entertainment (gym).
00337 299 South Allen Street 196 Washington Ave., LLC Substitution of a previous non-conforming commercial use to a mixed-use residential and commercial space.
NC001 36 Judson Street Hon. Jahmel K. Robinson, Ward 5 Common Council Member Nuisance Complaint against the current business operating out of the ground-floor storefront at 36 Judson Street.
P00340 115 South Pearl Street Ahmad Seraj Certificate of Appropriateness request to install an internally illuminated channel letter sign measuring 24 square feet in size.
00341 319 Ontario Street Jennifer Garo Conditional Use Permit - Occupation of +/-792 square feet as a restaurant.
00049 900 Central Ave Somerset Associates, LP, 900 Central LLC Interpretation for proposed use for a donation/collection center for blood and blood products, in a district that permits "personal business service," "hospital," and/or a "retail, residential, and commercial use." Conditional Use Permit and Major Development Plan Review - Change of use of +/-11,000 square feet of retail space to light manufacturing (blood plasma center).
00338 619-621 North Pearl Street Ajay Vohra Conditional Use Permit - Occupation of +/-1,700 square feet as a restaurant/catering business.
00342 2, 2A, & 2 Rear Colvin Avenue, and 1057 & 1061 Washington Avenue Stewart's Shops Major Development Plan Review, Conditional Use Permit Review, and Demolition Review to allow the demolition of four (4) structures totaling +/-10,133 square feet and the construction of a +/-3,975 square foot convenience store and vehicle fueling station.
ZTA 0013 Councilmember Thomas Hoey Zoning Text Amendment - Amendment to the Unified Sustainable Development Ordinance (USDO) to repeal Section 375-5(E)(14)(iii) and amend Sections 375-5(E)(1)(C) and 375-5(E)(17) to require that all approvals or conditions required and imposed by City, County, State or Federal agencies or departments be met before building and demolition permits are issued.
