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Development Review

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All development projects proposed in Albany must comply with the City's Unified Sustainable Development Ordinance (USDO). The USDO, in coordination with the Albany 2030 Comprehensive Plan, includes zoning code updates and a streamlined, user-friendly process that aims to secure successful (re)development in the City.
Case Filessort descending Address Applicant Description Case Agendas
00426 19 & 23 Hackett Boulevard Ryan M. Smith Area Variance for the construction of a 2,166 square foot temporary trailer classroom for Albany Leadership Charter High School for Girls on the grounds of St. Paul's Episcopal Church. AV0080 – to allow a front setback of 182 feet when the maximum allowed front setback is 10 feet. AV0081 – to allow a trailer to be stored in side yard when trailers are only permitted in the rear yard. AV0082 – to allow a change to the parking configuration that brings site out of conformance or would increase existing nonconformity. Conditional Use Permit to occupy +/2,166 square feet of a temporary trailer classroom for a School use.
00426 289 Hudson Avenue Bill Hamel, QUAD H, LLC Conditional Use Permit - Conversion of +/-3,700 square feet of office space into two dwelling units.
00427 65 Krank Street Ayzo Ridge Design & Consulting LLC Area Variance for rebranding the existing signage at 65 Krank Street to include electronic copy. AV0083 – To allow two Wall Signs on one frontage where one is the maximum allowed number of wall signs per frontage. AV0084 – To allow a 51 Square foot wall sign when 24 square feet is the maximum allowed. AV0085 – To allow a 75 square foot wall sign when 24 square feet is the maximum allowed. AV0086 – To allow a 7-foot tall monument sign when 5-feet is the maximum height allowed. AV0087 – To allow a 43 Square foot Monument sign when 20 square feet is the maximum allowed. AV0088 – To allow a sign with flashing/intermittent rotating or moving lights when signs with flashing/intermittent rotating or moving lights is not permitted.
00428 42 South Dove Street Ayzo Ridge Design & Consulting LLC Area Variance for rebranding the existing signage at 42 South Dove Street to include electronic copy. AV0089 – To allow two Wall Signs on one frontage where one is the maximum allowed number of wall signs per frontage. AV0090 – To allow a 76 square foot wall sign when 24 square feet is the maximum allowed. AV0091 – To allow a sign with flashing/intermittent rotating or moving lights when signs with flashing/intermittent rotating or moving lights is not permitted. AVOO92 – To allow an 8-foot tall monument sign when 5-feet is the maximum height permitted.
00429 92 Alexander Street City of Albany Department of Buildings and Regulatory Compliance Demolition Review - Demolition of a +/-3,300 square foot residential structure.
00430 507 First Street City of Albany Department of Buildings and Regulatory Compliance Demolition Review - Demolition of a +/-985 square foot residential structure.
00431 175 Jay Street NCG Jay, LLC Certificate of Appropriateness to replace the existing wood and vinyl windows, replace the existing fiberglass windows, and repair the existing stucco cladding.
00434 869 Madison Avenue Madison Pub LLC Conditional Use Permit - Occupation of 2,000 square feet of the ground floor as a bar or tavern.
00435 185 Henry Johnson Boulevard Josette Vincent & Roy Vincent Area Variance - Area Variance (§375-405(3)(d)) request to provide 3 on-site parking spaces, when 22 on-site parking spaces are required.
00438 329 North Pearl Street Philip Morris, Capital Repertory Theatre Conditional Use Permit, Major Development Plan Review - Construction of a surface parking lot with 44 parking spaces.
00441 161 Washington Avenue Extension Greg Fishel, Allied Sign Company Area Variance - §375-409(5)(a)(i) - To allow a +/-100 square foot wall sign, when 32 square feet is the maximum allowed.
00442 16, 18, 20 Morris Street ; 353 Lark Street Ron Stein Major Development Plan Review - Construction of a four-story, +/-37,260 square foot multi-family structure with 40 dwelling units.
00450 276 Central Avenue North American Islamic Trust Area Variances and Demolition Review
00451 82 Euclid Avenue Jeffrey Zimring Interpretation - Interpretation of the term ‘grade’ and §375-406(8)(b)(i)(A) as it applies to retaining walls.
00451 1379 Washington Avenue 1379 Washington Ave Assoc, LLC Conversion of a +/- 54,995 square foot hotel to a 100-unit multi-family dwelling.
