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Development Review

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All development projects proposed in Albany must comply with the City's Unified Sustainable Development Ordinance (USDO). The USDO, in coordination with the Albany 2030 Comprehensive Plan, includes zoning code updates and a streamlined, user-friendly process that aims to secure successful (re)development in the City.
Case Filessort ascending Address Applicant Description Case Agendas
00043 197 Holmes Dale Amarit Rosin Demolition of an approx. 2,800-sqft, single family dwelling.
00042 175 Jay St Eric Moses Certificate of Appropriateness request to demolish existing original coal chimney stack.
00039 414 Madison Ave Josh Warden Certificate of Appropriateness request to replace the existing wood sash windows on the front elevation.
00036 30 Pine Ln Cardona Devleopment Group Development Plan Review / Demolition for construction of two 2-story, 24-unit multifamily dwelling.
00035 363 Ontario St Jankow Companies The Playdium redevelopment project. Development Plan Review / Demolition / Area Variance for construction of a three, 4-story multifamily structures with approx. 3,000-sqft of ground level commercial space, a total of 110-units. An existing, approx. 41,200-sqft commercial structure will be demolished in order to accommodate the proposed construction.
00034 60 Colvin Ave Anthony DeThomasis Development Plan Review for construction of two, three-story mixed-use structures, approx. 6,400-sqft of commercial space and 24 residential dwelling units.
00033 90 State St Harmony Mills South, LLC Development Plan Review for conversion of 143,900-sqft of commercial space to 120 residential dwelling units.
00032 18 Irving St Signature Home Buyers Certificate of Appropriateness to replace seven original wood sash windows with wood clad replacement sash windows on the front elevation.
00031 2 Woodridge St Anthony Navojosky Area Variance for a approx. 550-sqft shed with an 8-ft setback.
00030 104 Rose Ct Bernadette M. Lochner Area Variance for an 8-ft fence.
00024 1 Grandview Ter Samantha Rivera Conditional Use Permit to occupy approx. 700-sqft on the ground level of the premises with a personal service use.
00023 58 N Pearl St 40 Steuben, LLC Certificate of Appropriateness to install a rooftop wireless communication facility.
00022 221 Jay St Joe Giovannetti, Jennifer Clark Certificate of Appropriateness to replace six existing historic wood windows on the front elevation with replacement sash windows.
00020 30 N Swan St Albany Housing Authority Demolition Review of a 3,552-sqft residential structure. The site will be evenly graded with topsoil and planted with grass seed.
00018 351 Southern Blvd 351 Diamond Development LLC Development Plan Review / Area Variances / District Plan Approval for construction of five new structures including a hotel, retail stores, restaurants, automobile fueling station and an automobile car wash.
