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Development Review

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All development projects proposed in Albany must comply with the City's Unified Sustainable Development Ordinance (USDO). The USDO, in coordination with the Albany 2030 Comprehensive Plan, includes zoning code updates and a streamlined, user-friendly process that aims to secure successful (re)development in the City.
Case Files Address Applicant Description Case Agendassort descending
P00448 184 South Swan Street Dove Street Development, LLC A Certificate of Appropriateness to repair the existing masonry stoop and replace the historic brownstone veneer with brick.
P00450 22 Elizabeth Street Dan Sanders, Harris A. Sanders, Architects, P.C. Concept review for a Certificate of Appropriateness to construct a second-floor addition to a one-story attached garage.
00407 19-21 Erie Boulevard 21 Erie Assoc, LLC Major Development Plan Review - Conversion of an existing +/-243,000 square foot warehouse to 261 apartments and +/-9,195 square feet indoor recreational uses, and an expansion of an existing surface parking lot by +/-218 spaces.
00435 185 Henry Johnson Boulevard Josette Vincent & Roy Vincent Area Variance - Area Variance (§375-405(3)(d)) request to provide 3 on-site parking spaces, when 22 on-site parking spaces are required.
00450 276 Central Avenue North American Islamic Trust Area Variances and Demolition Review
00455 16 Judson Street Dileep Rathore Conditional Use Permit - Coterminous occupation of +/-950 square feet of the ground floor of the subject property as a restaurant with an existing Specialty Retail use.
00451 82 Euclid Avenue Jeffrey Zimring Interpretation - Interpretation of the term ‘grade’ and §375-406(8)(b)(i)(A) as it applies to retaining walls.
P00414 875 New Scotland Avenue Stewart's Shops Corp Modify an existing Use Variance to allow Stewart's to expand their hours of operation from 6AM-10PM to 5AM-11PM.
00453 201 Raft Street and 106 & 700 Smith Boulevard Richard Hendrick, Albany Port District Commission Major Development Plan Review - Construction of a +/-19,600 square foot structure used for heavy commercial services as a material receiving facility.
LM 0005 19 Erie Boulevard Redburn Development, LLC Consideration of the proposed Albany Perforated Wrapping Paper Company for nomination to the State and National Register of Historic Places.
00457 1048 Central Avenue Ryan Blatt, 1048 Central Ave AL LLC Conditional Use Permit & Major Development Plan Review - Change of use of the subject property from indoor recreation or entertainment to a restaurant.
P00458 367 State Street Earl Steenburg & William Godlewski A retroactive Certificate of Appropriateness for the replacement of three historic wood windows on the second floor with vinyl sash windows without a permit or Certificate of Appropriateness.
HD 0001 Steamboat Square Historic District Albany Housing Authority Consideration of the proposed Steamboat Square Historic District for nomination to the State and National Register of Historic Places.
HD 0002 Downtown Albany Historic District NYS Historic Preservation Office Consideration of the proposed Downtown Albany Historic District Boundary Expansion for nomination to the State and National Register of Historic Places.
00462 97 Central Avenue 97 Central, LLC Conversion of the +/- 30,550 square foot building at the site for use as a self-storage facility.
